DB Peru’s




Conducted a needs assessment in 6 jungle villages on Napo River



Began delivery of medicines and supplies on first and subsequent trips, expanding to 28 villages



Continuing to impact 6,000+ people


Received formal 501c3 Status in USA and Non-Governmental Organization status in Peru

Began delivery of medical treatment in temporary clinics in jungle villages


Began annual classes for midwife and local health workers taught by local physicians, educating to date more than 300 people to provide primary health care and safe delivery of babies

Midwife Classes

Health Worker Classes


Installed the first of two radios and solar panels in jungle villages – currently oversee maintenance of 8 radio systems

Began annual Chocolotada Christmas parties

Radios & Solar Panels


Formed Board of Directors in USA

Delivered major shipment of equipment for government clinic in Mazan and continues to supply equipment to 4 clinics and hospitals in the area

Launched three new programs to provide reading glasses, stretchers, and dental care


Instituted Amazon Women’s Sewing Project with first delivery of 20 sewing machines to Orellana, with later delivery of 6 specialty machines and supplies

Initiated Automotive Program for Ciudad de los Niños Children’s Home in Lima to teach orphaned boys new skills

Provided medical supplies and humanitarian aid after earthquake in Ica/Chincha, Peru and in Haiti

Launched Norma Louise Stainsby Memorial Scholarship Fund to educate young people from the jungle in health careers

Began Shoes Program with first delivery providing more than 600 pairs of shoes to people in the jungle, with later delivery of 1000 pairs from Share Your Soles charity


Sewing Machines

and 6 Specialty Machines


Pairs of Shoes

1st Delivery


Pairs of Shoes

2nd Delivery


Began Internship Program with Emilie Fay from University of Rochelle, France

Developed DB Peru Code of Ethics


Began two year contract with Consortium Lot 8 Health Global Framework, Rome, Italy

Launched Copa DB Peru, a health fair and soccer tournament for 23 jungle villages – to date more than 3000 attendees have been educated on 30 public health education classes, such as first aid, back safety, snake bites, and safe water.

Welcomed Robyn Flemming from Johns Hopkins University, Bologna, Italy into Internship Program


Performed rapid response to Haiti earthquake

Completed construction of an elementary school at Caritas Felices, a home for sexually-abused girls located in Pachacamac, Lima


Launched a sustainable program for access to medicines in villages with Minister of Health

Initiated Women’s Project to offer screening and education for breast and cervical cancer for women

Formed Lima Community Advisory Board

Began first annual dental clinic in the villages, with more than 600 extractions, fillings and prophylaxis performed

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings

1st Annual Dental Clinic


Celebrated 10th Anniversary of improving healthcare knowledge and conditions for people living in Peru, as accomplished through working with more than 100 medical and graduate student volunteers from universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, University of Colorado, and more than 500 volunteers from around the world.


Launched Facebook page – DBPERU ORG

Began research study on women’s knowledge and perceptions of cervical cancer


Received grant from Asociación de Conyuges Diplomaticos Acreditados en Perú for dental chair

Received resolution from SUNAT (Tax agency in Peru) to issue certificates of donation


Signed contract with the Denver School of Nursing to provide clinical rotations for senior nursing students

Medical Director Geordan Shannon represented DB Peru by speaking at the EUROGIN International conference on cervical cancer in Sevilla, Spain.

Dr. Shannon was guest speaker at the National Institutes of Health International Conference on Cancer Screening Network in Rotterdam, Holland.

Initiated the ABCS Women’s Project - Amazon Community Based Participation Cervical Cancer Screen and Treatments

Received grant from Dining for Women $42,000 – Women’s Health

Grant received from United States Embassy Association of Lima, Peru – Women’s Health

Received grant from St. Isidore’s Catholic Church – Care of the Newborn

Volunteer Laura Frost published an article in ARUP magazine featuring DB Peru and climate change.

Diana Bowie was featured in an article by the Guardian newspaper.

APCI registration - Agencia Peruano Cooperacion Internacional

Initiated program for teaching first-time mothers about the birth process

Initiated program for midwives about helping newborn babies to breathe


Signed a convenio, a contract with the Minister of Health of Peru outlining our program work, our responsibilities, and their agreement and responsibilities to support our mission

Signed a letter of agreement with SIS, the Peruvian government insurance for the disadvantaged outlining DB Peru’s role in the transport of specimens and results to and from Lima

Began project on Gender-Based Violence program

Received the first grant from the American Women’s Literary Club of Lima, Peru for sponsorship of one student in scholarship program


Received grant from the World Bank with University College of London for $150,000 for Gender-Based Violence Project

Published article by Medical Director Dr. Geordan Shannon and co-authored by Diana Bowie, Somos Iquales? in Journal of Global Health Action

Initiated program on Palliative Care in the jungle remote settings with Dr. Sara Warzecka

Accepted Yale University graduate Paul Holden for a 10-month internship

Renzo Peña was speaker at World Bank Awards Ceremony for The Development Marketplace:  Innovations to prevent Gender-Based Violence in Washington DC


DB Peru partnered with the Academy of Health and Medical Sciences at Somerset County Vocational and Technical School in Bridgewater Township, New Jersey for the project Developing Global Awareness on Health Issues in Indigenous Regions of Latin America.  The project received an award from the Committee of Teaching About the United Nations Conference (CTAUN) entitled “Stepping Up to Protect the World’s Children” at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

Diana Bowie was guest speaker at the International Conference of Dining for Women, Knowledge is Power, in Washington DC.  The topic was The Delivery of Services at the Last Mile; Challenges and Opportunities.  

DB Peru published a health education booklet, Enfermidades y Tratamientos más comunes in el Bajo Napo, specifically for the people in the lower Napo River villages.  

Diana Bowie participated in a report with Devex and the Toyota Mobility Foundation to research important work around mobility with the international development community across the economic development, health, education, agriculture and transportation sectors. 

At the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN, Diana Bowie was guest speaker at the Economic Club of Nashville.


Began Medicine Hut Project with Altro cladding company from London, England in association with the University College of London to build 5 medicine huts to improve availability of medicines in the communities and test the Altro products in the jungle environment.

Gave presentation at the University of San Martin de Porres in Lima on Henrietta Lacks Day about our work with cervical cancer and HPV.

Began Menstruation Project based on Days for Girls educational materials in association with Our Sisters Project.

Gave presentation in Cape Town, South Africa at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Conference 2019 about our project work funded by the World Bank and in collaboration with the University College of London. Dr. Geordan Shannon, presenter

Published article in Women’s Health journal: A descriptive analysis of health practices, barriers to healthcare and the unmet need for cervical cancer screening in the Lower Napo River region of the Peruvian Amazon.


Responded to the Iquitos coronavirus crisis with a large campaign organizing, purchasing and transporting critical medical supplies and medicines to 2 hospitals, 6 clinics and 27 health posts. 


Investigation into effects of COVID pandemic on rural jungle communities


Conducted survey with 25 communities for their involvement in strategic planning for DB Peru

Joined with Valerie Paz Soldan PhD and Tulane University with data collection of HPV (human papilloma virus) testing on more than 120 women, with in the field treatment of thermocautery.


Partnered with Help Peru and the NGO Minga to provide education for the health promotors in Nauta on public health, first aid and family planning. The health promotors were from the river villages along the Amazon, Ucayali, and Marañón Rivers.


Partnered with Dr. Kara Fikrig from Cornell University to disseminate research findings and education on dengue to the health workers along the Lower Napo River